AI4D Africa Scholarship Project

The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is implementing the Artificial Intelligence for Development Africa (AI4D) Scholarship Project to foster and nurture talent in responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in African public universities.

The 3-year project, funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, aims to meet the growing demand of demand for research and development in responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the continent.

Female PhD Scholars
PhD Supervisors

Building Institutional Capacity

Apart from supporting research capacities of selected scholars, the project will enhance the capacities of existing ICT departments to offer MSc and PhD in AI and ML by supporting them with research tools and related infrastructure for AI and ML. This will not only facilitate the research activities of the ECA but will also be made available to other postgraduate and final year undergraduate students within the departments. The project design has also lined up a series of complementary activities that will help enhance research capacities of the scholars which include short-courses, PhD Academy, quarterly seminars, annual workshops, mentorship, regional conferences and online training.

Scholarship Categories

The AI4D scholarships has been designed to target the following three categories of beneficiaries.

Registered PhD Students

Early Career Academics

Masters Students

Scholars views

I thank IDRC/SIDA for the opportunity they have given me. Their grant will help solve a major problem related to agriculture in West Africa and advice those keen on pursuing courses on AI and AL especially women to ask the right questions; Take a long-term approach; Fill the gaps in skills; Put people at the heart of the strategy; Work in a multidisciplinary team.
Souand Peace Gloria TAHI
University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
I sincerely appreciate the support provided to me by IDRC/SIDA. The grant is helping me to focus on my research agenda, exposure to AI professional programs, grow my research network and access tools to facilitate my research. The capacity development programs will help me to enhance my research skills in AI.
Mahadia Tunga
University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Short Courses

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Expected Outcomes

After three years, it is expected that there will be a critical mass of scholars to enhance research and development in AI and ML related fields while public universities in sub-Saharan Africa will have developed their capacities to provide postgraduate training in AI and Machine Learning. In addition, there will be adequate access to knowledge by researchers and practitioners and enhanced networking opportunities of the AI and ML scholars.The programme is also expected to generate substantial evidence for policy making on AI and ML related issues enhanced in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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