Hillard Akpughe

Hillard Akpughe a native of Isoko clan in the southern region of Nigeria, is currently a PhD student in the University of Port Harcourt Nigeria. A Researcher in the field of Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Having over 10 years’ experience in the field of computer science and mathematical computing, he has a well-established background in information technology and professional services, using his skills to bring solutions to areas where problems exists.

Hillard currently work as a production supervisor with Heritage Energy Limited working on the OML 30 Field. Improving and learning more on teamwork and efficiency in optimal of said tasks. His undergraduate study was on mathematics and computer science also from the university of Port Harcourt a school known for its excellence in the field. As one of the outstanding students in his academic pursuits, he seeks to improved himself regularly by engaging in learning and mastering of various tools as they apply to his field and more. he possesses several industry safety certifications such as NEBOSH IGC which is one of the highest safety certifications.

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